Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Asia Fellows Award 2008-2009

ASIA Fellows Awards

Funding and Administration

The Asian Scholarship Foundation (ASF) is funded by a grant from theFord Foundation. Its office in Bangkok administers the ASIA FellowsAwards in the region with assistance from partner offices in Beijing,New Delhi, Manila, Hanoi, and Jakarta.

The ASF Board Management Committee is composed of twelve educationaland public leaders from the People's Republic of China, South andSoutheast Asia, and Australia. The Board Management Committee selectsthe fellows, oversees the program and makes policy decisions.

Goals and Objectives

The principal goal of the ASIA Fellows Awards is to increase theoverall awareness of intellectual resources in the countries ofNortheast, South and Southeast Asia and to contribute to the growth oflong-range capabilities for cross-regional knowledge sharing. The ASIAFellows Awards seek to develop regional expertise, establish amultilateral network of Asian specialists from many disciplines,professional fields and countries, stimulate interdisciplinary researchand inter-societal comparison, and contribute to new developments within existing area studies communities. The awards offer opportunitiesfor outstanding young and mid-career Asian scholars, and professionalsto gain knowledge of the countries in the region and an understandingof the contexts that shape global and regional issues through research.They enable the awardees to conduct research in a participating Asiancountry for six to nine months.


1. Citizens of and residents in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei,Cambodia, the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, India,Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, the Republic of Maldives, Myanmar,Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
2. Master's/Doctoral degree or equivalent professional trainingand experiences (minimum of 3 years of university teaching experiencesfor scholars or 5 years of work experience for professionals.)
3. Applicants must be 45 years old or younger at the time of theapplication deadline. However, those up to 50 years old proposing to do research in the field of Humanities may be given special consideration.
4. Proficiency in English or in the language of the host countryappropriate to the proposed research project.
5. Those who are currently enrolled in a degree program, or havejust completed a degree program for less than one to two years will notbe eligible to apply. Those who were a recipient of a Ford Foundationfellowship grant within the last two years prior to the application isalso ineligible.

Conditions of the awards

1. The proposed research projects for the ASIA Fellows Awards canbe carried out in only one participating country (except the applicant's own) and under the following conditions:

* No applicant can propose to conduct their research in Hong Kong,Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.

* Applicants from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore cannot undertake research in each other's countries.

* Applicants from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan can onlyapply to conduct their research in Thailand, the host country of ASF.

1. Any part of the proposed project that will be done in the applicant's own country will not be funded under the ASIA Fellows Awards.
2. The proposed grant period must be between 6-9 months. Onceawarded, a fellow is required to conduct research at the proposed host country throughout the grant period. Splitting of the grant period orconducting research in the applicant's own country during theproposed grant period is not allowed under any circumstances.
3. While an applicant from South or Southeast Asia may propose aresearch project in a country within his/her own region, preference isgiven to applicants who propose to conduct research in a region of Asiaother than their own (e.g., an award to an Indian scholar orprofessional for research in China).
4. Applicants should not plan to conduct their research in a countrywith which their home country has a difficult diplomatic relationship because of the uncertainties of securing an affiliation and obtaining aresearch clearance and visa for a long-term stay.
5. Fellowship awards are not for the purpose of completing requirements towards an academic degree (master's thesis or doctoraldissertations).

Fellowship Activities

ASIA Fellows awardees are placed at top-ranking research universitiesand non-academic institutions such as museums, archives or think tanks.Fellows should identify preferred placements in host countries. Theymay engage in an organized field research in the host country. Fellowsare strongly encouraged to undertake some language training in theirhost country as part of facilitating their research. They are alsoprovided the opportunities to present guest lectures, or to conduct seminars and workshops at the invitation of the host institutions. After completion of their fellowship, fellows can apply forpost-fellowship awards of three months to further their research in acountry within Asia, or for short-term travel awards to makepresentations at overseas conferences and meetings. All fellows are required to attend the Orientation Program in July 2008, and the ASIA Fellows' Annual Conference in July 2010 at which they present theirresearch results to fellow awardees and to scholars from the country inwhich the conference is held. They are also required to start theaward by the end of December 2008. At the end of the fellowship,fellows must submit to the ASF office in Bangkok evidence of the resultsof their research project in the form of publications, photos ofartistic works, audio/ video productions, etc.

MA in Inter-Asia NGO Studies (MAINS)

Master of Arts in Inter-Asia NGO Studies (MAINS)
MAINS is jointly offered by the Inter-Asia Graduate School of NGOStudies at Sung Kong Hoe University and the Asian Regional Exchange forNew Alternatives.

Its multidisciplinary curriculum, integrating academic andpractitioners' training with dynamic changes occurring in Asia and theglobe, is unique in the field of studies on social changes,non-governmental organizations and civil society. The curriculum coversa wide range of current issues of international relations from bothregional and global perspectives as a major field of studies, placing aspecial focus on the development of solidarity among civil societyconstituents.
MAINS is intended for the people who have been contributing or have thepotential to contribute to a better understanding of or leading socialchanges in Asia. Benefiting from both academic and practical resourcesoffered by two distinct host institutions, MAINS offers both intense andflexible preparation for either those seeking leadership and skills formore just and equitable social changes in Asia, or those seeking furtherstudies in the field. Inter-Asia Graduate School of NGO Studies(IGSONS)

Previously named Department of NGO Studies, this master's degree coursewas first established in 1998 to offer graduate training in the NGOfield. The department is a unique academic institution in many ways. Notonly is it the first university institution of its kind in Korea, but ithas been at the forefront of bridging the world of practitioners withthat of scholars. Since its inception, the department has generated keeninterest from both academia and the public alike. Asian RegionalExchange for New Alternatives (ARENA)

ARENA is a regional network of concerned Asian scholars which aims tocontribute to a process of awakening towards meaningful andpeople-oriented social change. ARENA draws its members from Bangladesh,India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong SAR,China, Australia and the US.

ARENA's official website: www.arenaonline.org


Dean of IGSONS Prof. Oh Jae-shik
MAINS Programme Faculty Honorary Chair:Dr. Kinhide Mushakoji
Co-Directors: Professor Mohiuddin Ahmad and Dr. Hur Song-woo
Teaching Advisory Board Chang, Dae-Up (Research Professor, Hong Kong University)
Chen, Kuan-Hsing (Tsing-Hua University, Editor of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Movement)
Cho, Jin-Tae (General Secretary, The 18 May Memorial Foundation)
Dr. Gosh, Jayati (India. Focus on the Global South)
Guerreoro, Dorothy (Focus on the Global South)
Lee, Chang-Hee (Senior Specialist on Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue, ILO Beijing Office)
Lee, SungHoon (General Secretary, Forum Asia)
Board of Teaching andResource Persons Hur, Song-woo (Gender Studies, SKHU)
Kaoru, Aoyama (Gender Studies, People's Plan Study Group, Japan)
Lau, Kin Chi (Cultural Studies, Lingnan Univ. Hong Kong)
Lee, Francis Daehoon (Peace Studies, executive director, ARENA)
Lee, Jung-ok (Sociology, Daegu Catholic University)
Loh, Francis (Political Studies, University Sains Malaysia)
Mohuiddin, Ahmad (Economics, Community Development Library, Bangladesh)
Nimalka, Fernando (Lawyer, Democratic People's Movement, Sri Lanka)
Park, Kyung-tae (Sociology, SKHU)
Saravanmuttu, Johan (Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore)
Tadem, Eduardo C. (Asian Studies, Asian Center, University of thePhilippines)
Vinod, Raina (People's Science Movement, India)

Sung Kong Hoe University Faculty
Cho, Hee-yeon (Sociology)
Cho, Hyoje (Sociology)
Kim, Min-woong (International Relations)
Lee, Chong-Koo (Sociology)
Lee, Gi-ho (Political Studies)
Lee, Sang-Chul (Sociology)
Park, Eun-Hong (Sociology)
Kim, Yu-Soon (Social Welfare)
Ko, Byung-Hun (Humanities)
Shin, Hyun-Joon (Society and Culture)
Kim, Eun-Kyu (Theology)
Kwon, Jin-Kwan (Theology)
Jin, Young-Jong (English)
Jang, Hwa-Kyung (Japanese Studies)
Yang, Ki-Ho (Japanese Studies)
Jang, Young-Soek (Chinese Studies)
Paik, Won-Dam (Chinese Studies)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

MA in Pacifix and Asian Studiesat University of Victoria, CA

M.A. in Pacific and Asian Studies at the University of Victoria, Canada

The Department of Pacific and Asian Studies is a dynamic,interdisciplinary department with a strong specialization in interdisciplinary research in the modern period. We now offer a Master of Arts degree in two areas of specialization:
* Area Studies: social, historical, cultural and political conditions
* Literary and Textual Studies: literary, artistic, and popular cultural forms of expression

Within these two areas, our particular research strengths are:
Contemporary Asian fiction, cinema and popular culture; Social theory; Chinese and Japanese linguistics; Indigenous identities; Gender; Contemporary theatre; Global and local intersections; Asian-Canadian Studies; Religion.

Our graduate students have an excellent track record of obtaining financial support to conduct original, thesis-based research in the Asia-Pacific region on a topic of their choosing. Recent M.A. students have studied such diverse topics as contemporary Japanese film; sex work in Indonesia; contemporary Chinese literature and philosophy; Indonesian feminist art; the impact of China's One-Child Policy and more.

The department makes every effort to provide strong financial support to deserving candidates. Students may qualify for Faculty of Graduate Studies University Fellowships, research and teaching assistantships,and several internal department scholarships. Graduate students have also been successful in obtaining funds from external sources such as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, UVic's Centre
for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, and more.

Students are normally admitted for study in September. The deadline for students from outside Canada is December 15 for the following September. The deadline for application within Canada is January 15. Applicants are encouraged to contact faculty members who share their interests. A two-page statement of research interest must be included in the application. Application forms for admission, which include the indication of need for financial assistance, can be obtained directly from the Graduate Admissions and Records office online at:

Please direct questions or requests for further information to the graduate secretary, Joanne Denton, at paciasia@uvic.ca, or the Graduate Advisor, Dr. Leslie Butt, at lbutt@uvic.ca

Department website: http://web.uvic.ca/pacificasia/

Graduate Admissions and Records site: http://registrar.uvic.ca/grad/

Graduate Studies: http://web.uvic.ca/gradstudies/


Martin T. Adam, PhD (McGill)
Buddhism, with more general teaching interests in other Asian religious traditions (Hinduism, Jainism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto).

Michael H. Bodden, PhD (Wis, Madison)
Indonesian-Malay; Southeast Asian literature, theatre, and popular culture.

Daniel J. Bryant, PhD (UBC)
Pre-modern Chinese poetry; textual criticism.

Leslie Butt, PhD (McGill)
Medical anthropology; HIV/AIDS; gender, sexuality and reproduction; West Papua.

Katsuhiko Endo, PhD (NYU)
Theory of capitalism, history of thought, modern Japan.

Timothy J.F. Iles, PhD (U of Toronto)
Japanese cinema and contemporary fiction.

Richard King, PhD (UBC)
Modern and contemporary Chinese fiction and popular culture.

Vivian Lee, PhD (UBC)
Modern Chinese literature; Chinese cinema; post-colonial literature.

R. Christopher Morgan, PhD (ANU)
Oceania; trade and exchange; indigenous economies; commoditization; land tenure; clan and class structures; ethnography and world history.

Hiroko Noro, PhD (U of Toronto)
Japanese; sociolinguistics; second language pedagogy; language and ethnic identity.

M. Cody Poulton, PhD (U of Toronto)
Meiji era/contemporary literature; contemporary theatre; traditional Japanese poetics/theatre.

Daromir Rudnyckyj, PhD (UC Berkeley)
Indonesia/Southeast Asia. Globalization, religion, transnationalism, ethics, development, Islam, the state.

Yuen-Fong Woon, PhD (UBC)
Rural South China; Asian Canadian Studies; migration studies.

University of Victoria
Consistently ranked as one of Canada's top comprehensive universities, UVic is known for the academic excellence and accessibility of its faculty, its extensive co-operative education and professional programs, and for its friendly atmosphere.


ASEAN Research Scholars 2008

The Asia Research Institute of NUS invites applications from ASEAN citizens enrolled for a fulltime advanced degree at a university in an ASEAN country (except Singapore) for consideration as ASEAN Research Scholars.

These fellowships are offered to current graduate students working in the Humanities and Social Sciences on Southeast Asian topics, and will allow the recipients to be based at NUS for an 'in residence fellowship' for a period of three months.

The aim of the fellowship is to enable scholars to make full use of the wide range of resources held in the libraries of NUS and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Scholars will be expected to commence on 1 May 2008, and to make a presentation on their work at the Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies at the end of July 2008.

Successful candidates can expect the following benefits:
1) A monthly allowance of SGD$1,750 (inclusive of housing allowance).
2) A one time round trip travel subsidy by the most economical and direct route on a reimbursement basis upon being accepted for the fellowship.
3) Access to library and computer resources on campus.

Applicants are invited to e-mail/facsimile/mail their curriculum vitae, a 2-page outline of their research proposal in English (this may be accompanied by a longer statement in a Southeast Asian language) to the address below by 15 November 2007. Arrangements should also be made by which at least two letters of reference, one of which is from your principal supervisor, are sent confidentially to the same address by the same deadline.

The 2-page outline of the research proposal must include the following details:
1) Whether the data collection or fieldwork stage of the research has already been completed;
2) how the fellowship will contribute to the research;
3) the types of sources to be consulted in Singapore;
4) proposed work plan during the fellowship.

You can look forward to excellent library and internet computer facilities at NUS' main library (http://www.lib.nus.edu.sg/), the library at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) (http://www.iseas.edu.sg/library.html) and the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library at the National Library (http://www.nlb.gov.sg) to facilitate your research for the dissertation. NUS' main library has 2 million volumes covering all topics while ISEAS' library has 200,000 on Southeast Asian topics, half of which are in Southeast Asian languages.

Asia Research Institute
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
469A Tower Block #10-01
Bukit Timah Road,
Singapore 259770
E-mail : arikk@nus.edu.sg
Fax: 65 67791428
Website: http://www.ari.nus.edu.sg/

Monday, October 29, 2007

PhD Student in Human Biology

PhD student m/f Human Biology/NUTRIM Universiteit Maastricht NUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology and Metabolism Maastricht, 6200 MD (Limburg), 38 hours per week

Job description

Focus will be on the underlying mechanisms in experimental human studies as well as the long term dietary intervention studies. Next to the physiological measurements also molecular techniques will be applied on tissue and blood samples to study the underlying molecular mechanisms.

Required education/skills:University Graduate Master degree in Medicine, Nutrition, Biology or Life Sciences. Experience with human intervention studies is recommended.
Job type: Research / Advising
- Teaching & Research(Scientific discipline: Health)

Universiteit Maastricht

NUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology and Metabolism Universiteit Maastricht (UM) the youngest university in the Netherlands, is renowned for its unique, innovative, problem-based learning system, which is characterized by a small-scale and student-oriented approach. Research at UM is characterized by a multidisciplinary and thematic approach, and is concentrated in research institutes and schools. Currently UM has around 11500 students and 3,000 employees. Reflecting the universitys strong
international profile, a fair amount of both students and staff are from abroad. The university hosts 6 faculties: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Faculty of law, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Psychology.

NUTRIM is the School for Nutrition, Toxicology and Metabolism of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences of Maastricht University (UM) in co-operation with the University Hospital Maastricht (azM). Within NUTRIM 15 biomedical, clinical, and behavioural-science departments co-operate in the implementation of scientific research projects in the fields of nutrition and toxicology and in the education of PhD-students. NUTRIM participates in the Graduate School VLAG (Food Technology, Agrobiotechnology, Nutrition and Health Sciences), accredited by the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). NUTRIM also participates in the Top Institute Food & Nutrition (TIFN), one of five Leading Technological Institutes established on the initiative of and with financial support from the Dutch Government. TIFN is an alliance of research and food industry partners to carry out strategic and non-competitive fundamental research regarding the mechanisms involved
in food functionality.

Conditions of employment
Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2502 Employment basis: Temporary for pecified period Duration of the contract: 48 months
Maximum hours per week: 38

Additional conditions of employment:
After each year an evaluation takes place. Your salary would be ? 1.956,- gross per month in the first year up to ? 2.502,- gross per month in the fourth year according to the PhD-student salary.

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Prof. Dr. W.H.M. Saris, Human Biology
Telephone number: 31 043-3881308/ 3
E-mail address: w.saris@HB.unimaas.nl
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following

- About the department (http://www.nutrim.unimaas.nl)

You can apply for this job before 29-10-2007 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:

Universiteit Maastricht
FHML, afd PZ
P.O.Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands
E-mail: pzfdgw@facburfdgw.unimaas.nl

When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber AT2007.203.

Studentship at Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry

Studentship Peninsula College of Medicine & Dentistry

The Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry with its' parent Institutions, the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, are seeking to attract PhD candidates of outstanding ability to join their exciting and rapidly expanding programme of internationally rated research.

As part of our new developments and our commitment to research excellence, applications are invited from suitably qualified graduates, 2:1 or above, for a full-time PhD studentship.

The studentship will commence in November 2007, funded by Veeda Clinical Research, Plymouth.

The studentship will comprise of clinical studies to establish current plasticizer (DEHP) exposure and toxicokinetics in critically ill children and adults, and non-clinical studies to evaluate the extent of leaching from various medical infusion devices and other sources of DEHP 'dosing'.

The post will involve chromatographic (LC/MS/MS) analysis of biological samples and advanced mathematical modelling of data obtained. We are therefore looking for someone with a science background (BSc Biomedical sciences/Biology/Pharmacology/Chemistry or similar) with an aptitude for

For further information or an informal discussion, please contact Dr Melanie Priston/Dr Ann Rigby-Jones (01752 432014) or email to melanie.priston@pms.ac.uk although applications must be made in accordance with the details shown below.

*For an application form please contact: *

Peninsula Postgraduate Health Institute
John Bull Building
Tamar Science Park
Plymouth PL6 8BU

Telephone 01752 437300 or email researchdegrees@pphi.ac.uk

When applying for the studentship please remember to
*quote the reference number PPHI000*.

*Application Deadline: Wednesday 31 October 2007 *

*Funding Notes

The stipend will be £12,600*. Tuition fees will be paid at the home rate. Candidates from countries outside the European Union will be liable for the difference between 'home student fees' and 'foreign student'.

PhD Microber Agrotechnology and Food Science

PhD Micronet Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group (Gelderland), 38 hours per

Job description
Within the Microned program Sensing and Diagnostics on a Chip the
PhD-student will do research on the study and development of highly accurate
patterning of silicon surfaces and the development of light-induced coupling
reactions. This work is geared towards the biofunctionalization of silicon
surfaces that are to be used in multi-array biosensors. The project is
highly multidisciplinary with contributions of several industrial and
university research groups.

Required education/skills:University Graduate
Suitable candidates should have a MSc in Molecular Sciences/Organic
Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry. Affinity with Physical Chemistry/Surface
Science is a plus.
Job type: Research / Advising
- Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers, researchers(Scientific
discipline: Food)

Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group
AFSG is the organisation for development and transfer of knowledge in the
field of sustainable applications of agro-components for safe and healthy
food and non-food products.

Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2500 - 3000
Salary: scale 10.
Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2502
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 1 3 years
Maximum hours per week: 38
Additional conditions of employment:
We will offer a full-time position for a period of one year with a
possibility of extension for 3 years. Gross salary per month ? 1956,- in the
first year rising to ? 2502,- per month in the fourth year.
Hay-profiel: promovendus

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

prof.dr. H. Zuilhof
Telephone number: 31 317482367
E-mail address: han.zuilhof@wur.nl

You can apply for this job before 16-11-2007 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your
application to:

Wageningen UR - AFSG
bode 156
K. den Ridder
P.O. Box 8129
6700 EV Wageningen
E-mail: afsg-vacatures@wur.nl

When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber AFSG 07.129.

PhD Position in Financial Mathematics

University College Cork SFI Research Frontiers Programme 2007
PhD Position Financial Algebra School of Mathematical Sciences

A Ph.D. position for carrying out arbitrage analysis of currency exchange
rates using max-plus algebra, is currently available in the School of
Mathematical Sciences, University College Cork, Ireland under the
supervision of Professor Bernard Hanzon. The research in Financial
Mathematics carried out in this PhD position will explore new possibilities
to analyze arbitrage opportunities, or to prove that no-arbitrage conditions
hold, and to construct and apply algorithms for this purpose. This forms
part of a larger research project in Financial Algebra.

Student stipend: EUR16,000 per annum plus fees

Further information and informal enquiries may be made to


This position is funded by the Science Foundation Ireland under the *Research
Frontiers Programme 2007.*

*Please note:*

Applicants are requested to submit a full curriculum vitae with contact
details of two referees to

Professor Bernard Hanzon
School of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, Engineering and Food
Science, University College Cork, College Road, Cork City, Ireland.

There is a continuous application procedure with an initial closing date of
15 November 2007, with a starting point of 1 January 2008 or as soon as
possible thereafter.

PhD Research Studenship at Wolfson School of Mechanical and manufacturing Engineering

Scholarship Funded PhD Research Studentship Finite element modelling of the
effects of laser eye surgery Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship aimed at developing
methods of modelling the effects of corrective laser surgery on the
structural integrity of the eye. Factors to be taken into account in such
models include the complex material behaviour and geometries associated with
biological structures and sensitivity to the environment. The studentship is
part of a larger project including novel laser measurement of surface strain
of the cornea and the successful student will also be expected to
participate in certain elements of the experimental programme.

Applicants should have a good first degree in Engineering, Physics or a
similar area. They should be familiar with stress analysis and ideally
should have experience of using finite element analysis.
The studentship is open to all UK, EU and overseas applicants. Studentship
will cover fees plus a maintenance grant of at least £11k/year for UK/EU
applicants and £8k/year or other overseas applicants.

*Closing date for applications is 26th November*

Informal enquiries can be made to Dr I.A. Ashcroft (e-mail
I.A.Ashcroft@lboro.ac.uk). To apply for the studentship please submit a CV
and application form to Dr. I.A. Ashcroft, Wolfson School of Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU. Application forms can be
downloaded from the University web site at

PhD Research Studenship at Wolfson School of Mechanical and manufacturing Engineering

Scholarship Funded PhD Research Studentship Finite element modelling of the
effects of laser eye surgery Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship aimed at developing
methods of modelling the effects of corrective laser surgery on the
structural integrity of the eye. Factors to be taken into account in such
models include the complex material behaviour and geometries associated with
biological structures and sensitivity to the environment. The studentship is
part of a larger project including novel laser measurement of surface strain
of the cornea and the successful student will also be expected to
participate in certain elements of the experimental programme.

Applicants should have a good first degree in Engineering, Physics or a
similar area. They should be familiar with stress analysis and ideally
should have experience of using finite element analysis.
The studentship is open to all UK, EU and overseas applicants. Studentship
will cover fees plus a maintenance grant of at least £11k/year for UK/EU
applicants and £8k/year or other overseas applicants.

*Closing date for applications is 26th November*

Informal enquiries can be made to Dr I.A. Ashcroft (e-mail
I.A.Ashcroft@lboro.ac.uk). To apply for the studentship please submit a CV
and application form to Dr. I.A. Ashcroft, Wolfson School of Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU. Application forms can be
downloaded from the University web site at

PhD in Disaster Studies

PhD Position in Disaster Studies Wageningen University and Researchcentre
Disaster Studies Group Wageningen, 6706 KN (Gelderland), 38 hours per week

Job description
The research programme "From Food Aid to Food Security" is a collaboration
of Disaster Studies and Law and Governance groups of Wageningen University
and Bahir Dar University in Ethiopia. The programme aims to contribute to
ongoing reforms in food aid and food security policies through studying the
Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) and surrounding food security
policies in Ethiopia. Since 1984, annually more than 5 million people have
received food aid in this country, creating a situation of chronic food
insecurity. The new Food Security Policy envisages to protect people against
hunger and asset depletion, and lift them out of poverty. The research
programme consists of four subprojects and analyzes the linkages between
policies implementation and livelihood strategies of vulnerable populations
targeted by food security programmes. It is aimed to improve the performance
of institutional actors, by providing insights on the working of policy and
on the patterns of interaction between them. This will be ensured by an
elaborate communication plan for stakeholder dialogue.

The PhD candidate will implement a PhD research concerning linkages between
people's perceptions and practices to cope with food insecurity and food
security interventions, with a special focus on the PNSP programme.
Questions to be addressed are:
a) What are local practices and attitudes of various groups in dealing with
food insecurity?
b) How are these related to socio-economic differentiation and power?
c) What is the impact of interventions on food security and community
d) What is the impact of food security interventions on household capacities
for self-resilience to future shocks?

The project comprises 18 months of fieldwork in a highland region in

Required education/skills:University Graduate
You have an academic background in development studies or a related field
and have affinity with qualitative research methods with a completed MSc
degree of excellent quality. Furthermore you have a strong interest and
preferably experience to conduct fieldwork in a rural setting in Ethiopia.
Finally you have good communicative skills and like to work in a team.

Job type: Research / Advising
- Teaching & Research(Scientific discipline: Behaviour and Society)

Wageningen University and Researchcentre
Disaster Studies Group

Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2000 - 2500
Salary: scale 10.
Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2502
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 1 year
Maximum hours per week: 38
Additional conditions of employment:
We offer a PhD position for 1 year for 38 hours a week. After a positive
assessment the appointment will be continued by another 3 years. You will be
working in a pleasant environment in a dynamic, internationally oriented
Salary will increase from ? 1956,- in the first year upto ? 2502,- in the
fourth year based on a full-time appointment.

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Mw. Prof.lr.ir. D.J.M. Hilhorst
Telephone number: 0317-485539
E-mail address: thea.hilhorst@wur.nl

Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following

- About the department (

You can apply for this job before 15-11-2007 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your
application to:

Wageningen University
Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen
L. Verkerk
Hollandseweg 1
6706 KN Wageningen
E-mail: fineke.toxopeus@wur.nl

When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber AT MW 2007-30.

PhD student in Nutritional and Microbial Modulation

PhD student Nutritional and Microbial Modulation Wageningen University and
Research Centre Division of Human Nutrition, in a TI Food and Nutrition
project. Wageningen, 6700 HB (Gelderland), 38 hours per week

Job description
Title subproject
Effect of nutritional stressors on epithelial injury-signalling secretome in
small intestine, and identification of biomarkers of epithelial integrity.

Project description
Within the gut, impaired epithelial integrity is regarded as an important
risk factor in the initiation and complex (patho)physiology of common
nutrition-related intestinal disorders. This project focuses on the
elucidation of relevant biomarkers for gut health as well as a model
platform to efficiently discover, select and validate potential gut
health-promoting foods, food ingredients, and probiotics in order to
facilitate evidence-based nutrition-relevant health claims for consumers.

Increased cell turnover is a hallmark of the stressed and under-performing
small intestinal epithelium, indicating that the balanced proliferation and
cell death is a sensitive determinant of the integrity and function of the
epithelium. The feed-back mechanism and its players at the molecular level
that are responsible to maintain this balance are the prime target of this

The PhD student will perform experiments in animals and humans in order to
find and characterise biomolecules that are secreted by the small intestinal
epithelium, when this epithelium is damaged by nutrition-related compounds.
The mechanism(s) by which these secreted molecules affect the cell turnover
of the epithelium will be determined. Relevant biomolecules will be
validated as biomarkers for small intestinal epithelial integrity and gut
health and used to develop cell line models that enable screening of food
compounds with a beneficial effect on small intestinal epithelial integrity.

Required education/skills:University Graduate
Main tasks and responsibilities
The PhD student is responsible for:
.contributing to the full project plan
.staying abreast of developments in his scientific discipline by keeping up
with the scientific literature in his field and visiting scientific meetings
.generating ideas within the scope of the defined subject
.supervising of research assistants and students, where appropriate
.delivering results in line with the project plan milestones and
.keeping up with the latest scientific developments and integrating these in
the project
.converting data and results of the sub-project into overview reports
.keeping traceable records of all results and analyses according to the lab
journal procedure
.writing high-quality clearly written papers about the results obtained and
getting these published in high-impact scientific journals
.completing a thesis after 4 years.
Job type: Research / Advising
- Teaching & Research(Scientific discipline: Natural Sciences)

Wageningen University and Research Centre
Division of Human Nutrition, in a TI Food and Nutrition project.

Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 1500 - 2000
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: For a period of 4 years
Maximum hours per week: 38

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Dr. R. van der Meer, Senior Scientist
Telephone number: 31 317 485 186
E-mail address: roelof.vandermeer@wur.nl

Or Dr. J. Dekker, Project Leader
Telephone number: 31 30 694 4483
E-mail address: jan.dekker@tno.nl
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following

- About the organization (http://www.wur.nl)
- TI Food and Nutrition (http://www.tifn.nl)

You can apply for this job before 01-11-2007 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your
application to:

TI Food and Nutrition
HR Department

P.O.Box 557
6700 AN Wageningen
E-mail: personnel@tifn.nl

When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber AT AIO A2 - A

PhD Studentship in Cell Biology

Full-time PhD Studentship in Cell Biology Department of Life Sciences Faculty
of Science *Based in Milton Keynes *

*Three years from 1 January 2008 *

*"The response of human brain endothelium and astrocytes to vasoactive
mediators", *funded by the Migraine Trust.

The aim of the project is to determine how brain microvascular endothelial
cells can modulate local blood flow, and contribute to the
electrophysiological disturbances that underlie migraine aura. The work
will use tissue culture systems to investigate the mediators released by
brain endothelium. The effects of endothelin, nitric oxide and eicosanoids
on the permeability of endothelium and the activation of astrocytes, will be
examined in association with drugs that may be used in treating migraine.

You should have a good honours degree in a biological or biomedical science,
emphasis molecular cell biology.

Informal enquiries may be made to Prof. David Male: email
D.K.Male@open.ac.uk; telephone 01908 659226.

For detailed information and how to apply go to www3.open.ac.uk/employment,
call Janet Vroone on 01908 659297 or email
biology-recruitment@open.ac.uk. Closing
date: 19 November 2007.

PhD in International Economic Law

Junior (PhD)-researcher in the field of International Economic Law.
Universiteit Maastricht Maastricht, 6200 MD (Limburg), 38 hours per week

Job description
Function title: AT2007.209. Junior (PhD)-researcher in the field of
International Economic Law.

To engage in supervised scientific research that will ultimately result in a
doctoral thesis on the conflict between the liberalization of trade in
services and the protection of core societal values under the General
Agreement on Trade in Services (85%) and to lecture on internat. economic

Required education/skills:University Graduate
Qualified jurist with excellent knowledge of international economic law; an
advanced degree in this field is a definite advantage. Enthusiastic and
determined researcher with first-rate analytical and writing skills. Fluency
in English.

Job type: Research / Advising
- Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers, researchers(Scientific
discipline: Law)

Universiteit Maastricht
Universiteit Maastricht (UM) the youngest university in the Netherlands, is
renowned for its unique, innovative, problem-based learning system, which is
characterized by a small-scale and student-oriented approach. Research at UM
is characterized by a multidisciplinary and thematic approach, and is
concentrated in research institutes and schools. Currently UM has around
11500 students and 3,000 employees. Reflecting the universitys strong
international profile, a fair amount of both students and staff are from
abroad. The university hosts 6 faculties: Faculty of Health, Medicine and
Life Sciences, Faculty of law, Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, Faculty of Psychology.

Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 1500 - 2000

Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2502
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 4 years
Maximum hours per week: 38
Additional conditions of employment:
Your salary would be ? 1.956,- gross per month in the first year up to ?
2.502,- gross per month in the fourth year according to the PhD-student

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

P. van den Bossche
Telephone number: 043-38833232
E-mail address: p.vandenbossche@ir.unimaas.nl

Or D. Prévost
Telephone number: 043-3882777
E-mail address: denise.prevost@ir.unimaas.nl

You can apply for this job before 15-01-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your
application to:

Universiteit Maastricht
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, afd P&O
P.O.Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands
E-mail: pzfdrvacatures@facburfdr.unimaas.nl
When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber AT2007.209.

PhD in Mucro Cryo

PhD Micro cryo tips for cooling low-temperature electronic devices University
of Twente Low-Temperature division Enschede, 7500 AE (Overijssel), 38 hours
per week

Job description
A PhD position is available at LT in a new project sponsored by the Dutch
technology foundation STW. In this new project we want to develop
multi-stage microcoolers that are able to reach even lower temperatures
(~30K), and small sorption compressors [2] that can replace the pressurized
gas bottles, and thus realize closed-cycle microcooling systems. The PhD
should focus on the thermodynamics and design of multi-stage coolers, on the
mechanism of clogging caused by water deposition, and measures to prevent
this to occur [3], and on the development of a full package design
(including vacuum). In parallel, a post-doc researcher will be appointed in
the project focusing on the utilization of results in two demonstrator
pilots. In these pilots, LNAs will be cooled with a number of cooler tips
fed by a single sorption compressor.

Required education/skills:University Graduate
The PhD should focus on the thermodynamics and design of multi-stage
coolers, on the mechanism of clogging caused by water deposition, and
measures to prevent this to occur [3], and on the development of a full
package design (including vacuum)
Job type: Research / Advising

- Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers, researchers(Scientific
discipline: Engineering)

University of Twente
Low-Temperature division
The Faculty of Science and Technology (700 faculty members, 1100 students)
offers a range of bachelor and master courses (NanoTechnology, Applied
Physics, Chemical Engineering and Technical Medicine). The faculty's
research is organized in three of the university's interdisciplinary
research institutes: MESA , BMTI, and IMPACT. These institutes increase the
vitality of research by enabling collaboration between programs and
disciplines, by providing shared facilities, and by attracting funding for
joint projects. They also provide a conduit to industrial partners and help
in attracting new faculty.

In the Low-Temperature division (LT) of the University of Twente (UT)
cryogenic cooling based on MEMS technology has been investigated for about a
decade. In this research, we aim to realize extremely small coolers by means
of micromachining technologies (MEMS) for reaching cryogenic temperatures,
well below 120 K, i.e. 150 oC. There is a growing need for these
microcoolers for cooling advanced electronics, such as low-noise amplifiers
(LNAs), detectors, superconducting circuits, etc. In a previous project [1],
we developed a miniature 100 K cooler in which gas is expanded that is
supplied by a high-pressure gas bottle (see figure).

Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2000 - 2500

Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2502
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 4 year
Maximum hours per week: 38

Additional conditions of employment:
We offer an interesting temporary research position . You will be appointed
for a period of four year, with an assessment within one year. A positive
assessment will secure the continuation of the appointment for another three
years. The salary starts at ?1.956,- gross per month increasing to ? 2502.-
gross per month in the fourth year.
PhD students are expected to complete their research with a thesis. Benefits
and other conditions of employment are in accordance with the Collective
Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.

Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Prof.dr.ir. H.J.M. ter Brake
Telephone number: 31 53 4894349
E-mail address: h.j.m.terbrake@utwente.nl
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following

- About the organization (

Saturday, October 27, 2007

PhD Position at University of Twente

PhD Position on robotic aided therapy and assessment of post-stroke patients University of Twente Biomechanical Engineering group Enschede, 7500 AE (Overijssel), 38 hours per week

Job description

The PhD position at the BME group will be mainly focused on the assessment of impairments of the upper extremities following stroke using previous developed robotic exoskeletons, and electrophysiological measures. At the end of the project (s)he will have developed and evaluated a battery of tests that gives a complete picture of sensory motor disorders due to stroke and relate different impairments to functional disabilities. This will give us a better insight into the consequences and progress of stroke and will make it possible to monitor the effect of different treatments on multiple levels. The PhD position at the BME will work closely with the PhD. students at RRD and the Sint Maartens kliniek . The PhD students will work with stroke patients and have to collaborate with (para)medici. The supervision
of both the PhD positions at RRD and the BME will be a joint effort of both groups.


Required education/skills:University Graduate

You are a recently graduated (MSc) biomedical engineer or physics/mechanical/ electrical engineer with biomedical specialization or a human movement scientist with a strong mathematical background . You have demonstrated an interest in human motor control and rehabilitation technology. Expertise in neurophysiology and experience in experimentation are highly recommended. You have experience in mathematical modeling and sufficient skills in numerical mathematics, programming C and/or Matlab. Finally, you work accurately and independently, are creative, a team player and have excellent communication skills, particularly in written and spoken

Job type: Research / Advising
- Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers, researchers(Scientific discipline: Engineering)


University of Twente Biomechanical Engineering group

Sharing knowledge, working together, research, innovation. It is all part of the only campus university in the netherlands: the University of Twente (UT). A university with an international character. We have for example many foreign doctoral students, and master programmes are provided in english. Divided over 5 faculties, we provide more than 50 bachelor and master programmes, varying from applied physics and public administration to applied communication science and biomedical technology. In beautiful green surroundings, more than 8000 students and 2700 staff live, work and recreate at the UT. It is also a place where talented people get every opportunity to perform cutting edge research. But as an entrepreneurial university this is not all we do. In 'Kennispark', for example, we work together with the business community, we support our students in setting up their own businesses and participate in many projects in the area of knowledge
development. In brief, a dynamic climate in which to work and study.

The faculty of Engineering Technology has about 270 employees and 1500 students and consists of four departments: Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Energy Technology. The new group Multi Scale Mechanics is part of the Mechanical Engineering department, with research in the areas of multi-scale fluid- and solid-mechanics, micro-macro approaches, particle and contact mechanics,micro-fluidics, and self-healing materials.

Research of the UT is organized in 6 spearhead institutes, including the Institute for Biomedical Technology (BMTi). This interdepartmental institute hosts more than 250 researchers from the field of physics, electrical engineering, construction technology and (bio)-chemical technology. It is recognised world-wide as a leading institute in this multi-disciplinary field of science, where engineering concepts and methods are employed to solve and understand medical and biological problems. The main areas of interest are human function technology and tissue engineering.

The research program of The Biomechanical Engineering (BME) group is focussed on the human locomotor apparatus, from diagnosis training to the construction of supportive devices. The medical application areas are rehabilitation, orthopaedics and neurology.

In the BME group one PhD position and is available, which is part of the VIRTUROB project that is a 'pieken in de delta' proposal, which aims to exploit robotic devices and virtual reality in the assessment and training of neurological disorders. The project is a follow up project of the active rehabilitation project (http://www.actieverevalidatie.nl/) and is a collaboration between the University of Twente, Roessingh Researrch and Development, the Sint Maartens Kliniek, Baat Medical Engineering, and ReLion.

Conditions of employment

Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2000 - 2500

Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2502 Employment basis: Temporary for specified period Duration of the contract: 4 year
Maximum hours per week: 38

Additional conditions of employment:
We offer this positions in an inspiring and challenging environment in which research and education are closely related. As a PhD candidate you will have a fulltime position for a total period of maximally four years. Based on an assessment after one year, your contract will be extended with another three years. The gross monthly salary for a PhD increases from ? 1956,00 in the first year to ? 2502,00 in the fourth year. In addition we offer a broad package of fringe benefits.

Additional Information

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Dr.ir. H. van der Kooij
Telephone number: 31 53 489 4779
E-mail address: h.vanderkooij@utwente.nl
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:

PhD Studentship QUILL Research Center

PhD Studentship QUILL Research Centre School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Applications are invited for a research studentship at the QUILL Research Centre based in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Queen's University Belfast.

Your Ad Here

This project offers an exciting opportunity to work in the world-leading centre for ionic liquids research. The 3 year doctoral studentship (funded by Cytec Speciality Chemicals, a North American based company) will provide a maintenance grant and cover all approved tuition fees.

The research work will be carried out in the QUILL Research Centre and will be on the syntheses and elaboration of structure/property relationships of phosphonium-based ionic liquids.

*Eligibility & How to Apply:*
We invite applications from potential UK, EU and International students who have a 2.1 or above Bachelors degree in Chemistry. An interest in synthetic chemistry is essential.

Applications should be made in the form of a CV (with a minimum of 2 references) and covering letter and sent to Dr. Sarah Thompson, QUILL Centre, School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, David Keir Building,Stranmillis Road, Belfast, BT9 5AG. Or submitted via e-mail to sarah.thompson@qub.ac.uk

For further details on eligibility for funding and useful information for prospective research students please read the information at ttp://www.qub.ac.uk/postgraduate.

*The closing date for applications is Friday 16th November 2007*

The successful candidates will be expected to take up the studentship in January 2008 (or possibly earlier if mutually convenient).

*Further information:
*For further information on the QUILL Centre http://quill.qub.ac.uk For general enquiries please contact Sarah Thompson (sarah.thompson@qub.ac.uk ) at tel +44 (0)28 90 975600.

Erasmus MC PhD Studentship Molecular Biology

Erasmus MC PhD Studentship Molecular Biology and Genetics Department of
Forensic Molecular Biology

A 4 year PhD student position in molecular biology and genetics is available
in the Department of Forensic Molecular Biology, Erasmus University Medical
Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

The general area of research is in identifying and understanding human
individual and population differences (geographic origin, visible / physical
traits, evolutionary genetic adaptation) for fundamental biological interest
but also for potential future application to forensics. We are using
state-of-art D/RNA including genome-wide technologies to identify respective
regions / markers including dedicated follow-up studies. A suitable
applicant will hold a M.Sc. in molecular biology or molecular genetics.
Exceptional B.Sc. students are also encouraged to apply.

Practical skills in RNA technologies, gene expression analysis, including
qPCR, are strongly required. Experience in statistical data analysis would
be an advantage. The Erasmus University Medical Center, especially its
Medical-Genetic Cluster offers a highly international and stimulating
research environment with English as working language (
www.erasmusmc.nl/medical_genetics). The city of Rotterdam offers a
multicultural and exciting living environment in close proximity to other
highlights of Europe (e.g. Paris, London, Berlin, and Brussels).

*Gross salary is on average 2295 EUR per month.*
Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Applicant
should email a curriculum vita, statement of research interest two pages and
three letters of reference to Prof. Manfred Kayser, m.kayser@erasmusmc.nl

BRACE Scolarship Announced

BRACE (Bristol Research into Alzheimer's and Care of the Elderly) Ph.D.
Studentship 'Predicting the progression of cognitive impairment in memory
clinic attendees' Department of Social Medicine

Applications are invited from graduates with good honours or Masters degrees
in a numerate discipline, and extensive experience of applied statistical
analysis, for a three-year Ph.D. studentship tenable from January 2008. The
student will use anonymous data from the Bristol memory clinic archives to
investigate whether neuropsychological tests administered at presentation
can help identify individuals whose cognitive impairment will worsen.

The studentship is funded by the BRACE charity (Bristol Research into
Alzheimer's and Care of the Elderly) and includes a stipend of £12,500 per
year, plus a generous allowance for research costs. It is anticipated that
the project will require a comparison and choice between potentially useful
statistical methods in a practical context. A demonstrated interest in
health services research and Alzheimer's disease would be desirable.

Further details from Susie Potts. T: 0117 928 7274 E:
Web page http://www.epi.bris.ac.uk

Application is by CV and covering letter, which should be sent to Dr Chris
Metcalfe: Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, Canynge
Hall, Whiteladies Road, Bristol, UK, BS8 2PR
(E: chris.metcalfe@bristol.ac.uk)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Another Max Planck Research Fellowship

Novel Supramolecular Materials based on Molecular Self-Assemblies

A postdoctoral position is available at Max Planck Institute Colloids and Interfaces (Potsdam, Germany) (Prof. Helmuth Mohwald (Department of Interfaces), Dr. Takashi Nakanishi) in the MPI-NIMS International Joint Laboratory, (started since April, 2007), concerning the development and fabrication of novel supramolecular materials based on molecular self-assemblies.

The candidate is expected to work independently and to conduct research in a highly interdisciplinary environment. Experience in organic-chemical syntheses, fullerene chemistry, molecular self-assembled soft materials (liquid crystals, ultra thin films), colloidal and interfacial sciences, nanoscience or polymer physics are welcome.

The successful candidate should have a PhD degree in chemistry, materials science or a related field. Research experience in supramolecular assembly, organic ultra thin layers and self-organized materials are preferred. Fluent English is mandatory.

The position will be available from January, 2008. We prefer the candidate applies to AvH (Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship).

Please send a cover letter, C.V., paper reprints of your main works and responsible scientists (electronic version preferred) to: Dr. Takashi NAKANISHIMPI-NIMS International Joint Laboratory, Department of Interfaces, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam (Germany). Phone: +49-331-567-9409, Fax: +49-331-567-9202e-mail: Takashi.Nakanishi@mpikg.mpg.dehttp://www.mpikg.mpg.de/english/04-interfaces/researchGroups/jointLaboratory/nimsJointLaboratory/index.html

ORMacromolecules Group, Organic Nanomaterials Center, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba (Japan).

Phone: +81-29-860-4740, Fax: +81-29-859-2101
e-mail: NAKANISHI.Takashi@nims.go.jp

Prof. Helmuth Mohwald
Department of Interfaces, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, P
otsdam (Germany)

Phone: +49-331-567-9201, Fax: +49-331-567-9202

Web: http://www.mpikg.mpg.de/english/04-interfaces/index.html --------------------

Fellowship for Human Rights Institution Staff

Fellowship for National Human Rights Institutions Staff

The aim of the Fellowship programme, organized by the National Institutions Unit of OHCHR, is to give staff members of NHRIs from all over the world a better understanding and appreciation of the international human rights system. Through this experience the Fellow will gain knowledge and working level experience with the United Nations human rights system (including the treaty body system, the Human Rights Council, the Universal Periodic Review and Special Procedures), OHCHR’s work with and for NHRIs, and technical and substantive issues relating to NHRIs. It will also allow the Fellow to develop an extensive contact network with OHCHR staff, staff of other UN departments and agencies, as well as NGOs represented in Geneva.

It is expected that the Fellow will return to his/her NHRI and thereby strengthen the organization’s capacity in international human rights.

OHCHR and the National Institutions Unit also stands to gain from this fellowship programme, both in terms of substantive expertise, experience of working within a NHRI, as well as through the development of a solid and extensive network of contacts with staff in NHRIs.

Terms of reference
The Fellow will be working in the National Institutions Unit under the guidance and supervision of the Unit coordinator, for a period of 6 months. The Fellow will contribute to the Unit’s work through:

assisting in planning and coordinating activities related to partnerships and capacity building activities with national human rights institutions;

conducting substantive research and analysis of developments concerning NHRIs in countries assigned to him/her;

contributing to the mainstreaming of the work regarding national human rights institutions including support for United Nations Country Teams;

writing a variety of reports, communications, briefings, statements, etc., including to policy-making bodies;

reviewing, recording and consolidating information on best practices and lessons learned from technical co-operation projects or field operations in the field of national institutions;
assisting to develop and evaluate national, regional and/or global technical co-operation projects for national institutions, as required;

maintaining contact with national institutions and assisting them as appropriate;
assisting to organize and implement seminars, workshops and/or training activities on national institutions at the national, regional or global level, as required;
other related duties as required.

The Fellow will also receive periodic briefings on the human rights system and relevant thematic issues. These briefings will be conducted through cross-Branch consultations and cooperation.


The candidate should have:

direct experience working in a NHRI which meets the internationally adopted standards, the Paris Principles; and

extensive experience working on NHRI related issues, nationally, regionally and, ideally, internationally.

Knowledge of the United Nations system will be considered an asset.

The candidate should have at least 3 years of professional experience of working in a NHRI. He/she should be fluent in English and/or French, while knowledge of other UN languages is considered an asset.

Candidates should also have a supporting letter from their NHRIs and be committed to imparting the knowledge and experience obtained during their fellowship to colleagues within the NHRI upon their return.

The Fellow will receive financial support from OHCHR in the form of a monthly stipend during the fellowship.

Selection process for 2008

Candidates should submit their application (motivation letter, curriculum vitae, letter of support of the NHRI) directly to OHCHR by 15 November 2007 (see emails and fax numbers below). The National Institutions Unit will share the file with the Bureau members of the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC). The ICC Bureau will select three applicants and share these recommendations with OHCHR/NIU. The National Institutions Unit will make the final selection of the candidate.
The Fellowship program will initially have 2 Fellows per year, starting in early 2008.

Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program (2008-2009)

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) invites applications to its Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program for fellowships in 2008–2009. Named in honor of the two principal founders of NED, former president Ronald Reagan and the late congressman Dante Fascell, the program enables democracy activists, practitioners, scholars, and journalists from around the world to deepen their understanding of democracy and enhance their ability to promote democratic change.

Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows maintain full-time residence at the International Forum for Democratic Studies (the Forum), the research arm of the Endowment, located in Washington, D.C. The Forum hosts 12 to 15 Reagan-Fascell fellows per year for periods ranging from three to ten months. The program offers two tracks, a practitioner track and a scholarly track.

The Practitioner Track

The Reagan-Fascell program was established primarily to support democratic activists, human rights advocates, journalists, and others who work on the front lines of democracy promotion in emerging and aspiring democracies. The program seeks to provide experienced activists with an opportunity to reflect on their work, learn from counterparts in the United States, and reevaluate techniques for building democracy in their country of origin. Fellowships on the practitioner track tend to be short-term (3 to 5 months), typically culminating in a strategy memorandum, short article or op-ed and a presentation of the fellow’s analysis and ideas.

The Scholarly Track

Recognizing the importance of intellectual contributions to the theory and practice of democracy, the Reagan-Fascell program offers a scholarly track principally for professors and researchers from emerging and aspiring democracies. Accomplished scholars from established democracies are also eligible to apply. Applicants are expected to possess a Ph.D., or academic equivalent, at the time of application, and to have developed a rigorous research outline. During their stay at the Forum, which can range from 3 to 10 months, scholars make at least one presentation and complete a substantial piece of writing (a monograph or book) for publication.

Facilities and Services

Each fellow receives a monthly stipend for living expenses, plus health insurance and reimbursement for travel to and from Washington, D.C., at the beginning and end of the fellowship period. Fellows also receive a fully equipped office and support services, including access to the Forum’s Democracy Resource Center and Library.

While in residence at the Forum, fellows have the opportunity to interact with staff and other visiting scholars and activists in the collegial environment at NED, and with the policy, media, and academic communities in Washington, D.C. Fellows are encouraged to consult with counterparts in the United States, and to participate in the many conferences and seminars held at NED and at the various universities, think tanks, and nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan area.


The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program is intended primarily for citizens of new and aspiring democracies.

Practitioner Track: While there are no specific degree requirements for applicants selecting the practitioner track, candidates interested in this track are expected to have substantial practical experience working on behalf of some aspect of democracy building—such as human rights advocacy, political party activism, voter education, election monitoring, journalism and press freedom, ethnic pluralism, civic education, etc.

Scholarly Track: Individuals interested in the scholarly track are expected to possess a Ph.D. or academic equivalent at the time of application, to have published in their field of expertise, and to have developed a detailed research outline for their fellowship project. While the scholarly track is intended primarily for accomplished or promising scholars from new and emerging democracies, distinguished scholars from the United States and other established democracies are also eligible to apply. Examples of eligible candidates for the scholarly track include college and university professors, scholars, analysts at research centers and “think tanks,” and independent writers.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Doctoral Student at Center for Economic Research

Doctoral Student/Research Fellow (Education Research)
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) (Germany)

The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim (Research Department ‘Labour Markets, Human Resources and Social Policy’) in co-operation with the University of St. Gallen (Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Economic Research, Prof. Dr. Michael Lechner) is seeking a Doctoral Student/Research Fellow
for its Doctoral Studies Network (ZEW DocNet).

You will actively work in scientific projects with a focus on empirical education research.
Qualified candidates will have an honours degree in economics and a good knowledge of econometrics. We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in micro-econometrics and economics of education.

We are offering the opportunity to do a PhD in an international, scientific research-oriented environment and to participate in the PhD program of the University of St. Gallen (www.pef.unisg.ch). Furthermore, the successful applicant will be particularly involved in the project work in the field of user-related empirical economic research on economics of skill formation at the ZEW. The starting date is January 1, 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Please send your application quoting the reference code “In-AM-10/07” not later than November 12, 2007.

Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)Doris BrettarP.O. Box 10 34 4368034 MannheimGermanyE-mail: Brettar @ zew.de

Master in Statistic at Bristol University Scholarship

Dear all,

I am writing on behalf of the Statistics Group in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Bristol, UK. Rated 5*A in the latest national Research Assessment Exercise, the Statistics Group at Bristol is the only Statistics Group in the UK to achieve the highest possible rating, and is a research centre of international excellence.

I would like to encourage and warmly invite you to apply for our postgraduate programme of "Master of Research (MRes) in Statistics", followed by PhD study, to start in October 2008.

The MRes is a taught 12-month-long postgraduate programme (starting October 2008), with 2/3 of the assessment based on taught units and 1/3 based on a project dissertation. It is designed to provide high quality postgraduate training in the methods and practice of research in Statistics and Probability, and form a bridge for strong students between undergraduate and PhD study. As well as forming the first year of a 1+3 MRes/PhD programme, the MRes can also be taken as a standalone programme.

Successful MRes applicants will have their MRes tuition fees paid from a research council grant (or at least substantially reduced, for those of you who do not hold EU passports), and will receive a tax-free salary (studentship), whose current amount is £12,600, with a likely increase in 2008/09, with the possibility of a supplement of at least £1000, or maybe more, which is still under consultation. Furthermore, excellent MRes candidates will be encouraged to proceed to the PhD programme, which is also fully funded.
Candidates for the MRes degree will be required to complete 10 core taught units, 6 of which are taught and assessed in Bristol . In 2007/08, the following 6 courses are offered: Monte Carlo methods, Nonparametric regression, Stochastic processes, Graphical modelling, Advanced time series and Stochastic optimisation.

To build on and complement the in-house lectures, MRes students will be expected to attend four one-week residential courses (forming the other 4 `core' units), delivered collaboratively by nine prominent UK Statistics research groups. In 2007/08, the following courses are offered: Statistical computing, Statistical inference, Statistical modelling and Statistical asymptotics.

Further details of the MRes/PhD programme are available on the web athttp://www.sustain.bris.ac.uk/postgradcourses.html

If the idea of pursing the programme sounds in any way appealing to you, the Postgraduate Admissions Officer, Dr Oliver Johnson, will be more than happy to discuss it with you in more detail. Please feel free to email him at <stats-pg@bristol.ac.uk with any questions you may have. Dr Johnson will also be happy to advise you on how to submit your application.
With best wishes, Piotr Fryzlewicz Postgraduate Publicity Officer Statistics Group Department of Mathematics University of Bristol Bristol BS8 1TW United Kingdom

PhD Fellow in the Dept of Analytical Biochemistry

PhD fellow position in the Department of Analytical Biochemistry 1.0 fte
Vacancy number: 207169

Job descriptionThe University of Groningen as Partner of the Top-Institute Pharma (The Netherlands) offers a PhD position in the Department of Analytical Biochemistry to work on a project entitled:Acute and chronic inflammatory responses induced by smoking in individuals being susceptible and non-susceptible for development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): from specific disease phenotyping towards novel tailor-made therapy

This PhD position is embedded within a larger collaborative project between academic institutes and the pharmaceutical industry within the framework of a nationally funded centre of excellence the Top Institute Pharma (www.tipharma.nl).

The PhD project will focus on developing novel methodologies to study the proteome of human biological samples with relevance to COPD, such as induced sputum, epithelial cells obtained by bronchial brushing and tissue biopsies. Special attention will be paid to sample preparation and the high efficiency separation of proteins and peptides by nano-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) coupled to mass spectrometry using state-of-the-art equipment (e.g. chipLC-Q-TOF-MS, nanoLC-Orbitrap-MS).

The project will be executed in close collaboration with the Groningen Research Institute of Asthma and COPD (Prof. Dr. Dirkje Postma; www.graduateschoolguide.nl/html/research/institutes/griac/home.htm).

The successful candidate will work in a team of analytical chemistry and clinical research groups. The Department of Analytical Biochemistry (www.biomac.nl) has extensive experience in proteomics and its application to biomarker discovery. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with the other partner groups in this project (Altana, GSK, University Medical Centers in Groningen and Utrecht).

* Strong background in protein and peptide analysis with a focus on HPLC and mass spectrometry.
* Experience with bioinformatics related to proteomics would be a significant advantage.
* Interested to perform research in a unique interdisciplinary biomedical environment.
* strong communication skills
* ambitious
* creative

Conditions of employment:An appointment for a period of four years which period should be finished with a PhD examination. During the first year the gross salary is ¤ 1956,- per month. This amount will increase to ¤ 2502,- during the fourth year. After one year, the performance of the candidate will be evaluated to decide whether there is sufficient progress to expect a successful completion of the PhD thesis within the remaining three years.

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from :
Prof. Rainer BischoffTelephone number: +31 (0)50 3633338
E-mail address: r.p.h.bischoff@rug.nl
Secretariat: telephone number: +31 (0)50 3633336
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.
* About the organization
* Top Institute Pharma
* Research group

Additional information and sending in of applications:
Applications with curriculum vitae and the names of 3 people that can be contacted as references should be sent before October 31, 2007 to:
University of GroningenPersonnel and Organization Department
P.O. Box 729700 AB Groningen
The NetherlandsE-mail address: vmp@bureau.rug.nl

When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number AT 207169

Phd at Biomedical Research Institute

The Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED) of Hasselt University has a position available for a PhD Student for the project "Development and Characterisation of Fluorescent Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Nanotechnology and Applications in Advanced Electronic Devices, Chemo- and Bio-sensors". This project runs in close collaboration with the Institute for Materials Research (IMO):

PhD Student (2x2 years)(mandate MBW/2006/004-HO-4)

The duration of the position is 2x2 years, with an assessment after 2 years.
Job descriptionThe PhD student will conduct research in the field of molecular imprinted polymers (MIP) which will be used as building blocks for chemo- and biosensors. The focus of the position is on fluorescence characterization of MIPs embedded in a matrix of conjugated polymers. The PhD student will employ an array of (micro)fluometric techniques.
Diploma and profileMaster degree (or equivalent) in either physics, chemistry, biomedical sciences, bio-engineer, engineer in physics, engineer in chemistry or civil engineer. Students in their final year can also apply. The candidate must master either the Dutch or the English language.

Further information

Prof. dr. Marcel Ameloot (BIOMED), +32 (0)11 26 85 46,

Prof. dr. Dirk Vanderzande +32-11-26 83 21,

ApplicationApplicants must use the official application forms which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03 or which can be downloaded here pfd-file / Word format. The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Monday, December 17th , 2007.

Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt.be

PhD in Modern Constitutional Democracy

PhD position Constitutional Foundation of Modern Democracies (0,9 fte)(Groningen), 38 hours per week University of Groningen (00347-489) Job descriptionPhD position Constitutional Foundation of Modern DemocraciesPhD project 'Constitutionalization in the United States and France' is a comparative research into the rhetoric of making and applying consitutions in the United States and France from the 18th century to the present.

The candidate will be expected to contribute actively to the advancement of the interdisciplinary research project as a whole.Supervisor Prof. Dr . L.W. Gormley, Professor of European Law.Co-supervisors Dr. P.A.J. van den Berg and Dr. R.G.P. Peters.

RequirementsThe successful candidate will hold a Master's degree in law, history, international relations, or political science or in a cognate academic discipline, with excellent grades. An interest in the research field of the PhD project and in modern history is required, preferably evidenced by the subject of the Master thesis and possibly other publications.

Terms and conditions of employmentThe salary for a PhD position ranges from an initial ? 1956,- to a maximum of ? 2502,- is pro-rata (under review). The researcher will be offered an initial one-year contract. Subject to satisfactory performance, the contract will converted into a temporary post for a further 3 years. The University of Groningen offers a competitive benefits package.Commencement of employment is December 1, 2007.

OrganizationUniversity of GroningenFounded in 1614. One of the best universities in Europe and the world. A wide variety of disciplines. Internationally oriented. Rooted in the North of the Netherlands. Socially active. Our researchers and lecturers are inspired academics. Ambitious students. We respect the differences in talent, ambitions and performance of the 25.000 students and members of staff.The University provides a career advisory service for partners of new staff who move to Groningen.The University is an equal opportunities employer. Because women are still underrepresented in a number of fields, they are particularly encouraged to apply.

Faculty of ArtsIn the context of the research project 'Contested Constitutions: exploring the foundations of modern democracies' in the framework of the programme 'Contested Democracy' funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Arts at the University of Groningen, the research team, lead by Prof. Dr. L.W. Gormley is seeking to recruit two researchers.

Conditions of employmentMaximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2502Employment basis: Temporary for specified periodDuration of the contract: 4 yearsMaximum hours per week: 38
Additional InformationAdditional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Dr. R.G.P. PetersTelephone number: +31 (0)653448931E-mail address: r.g.p.peters@rug.nl Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.

* About the organization
* Description of the research project
* or Your application should include a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae (including a list of publications, if any) and a concise 2-page discussion in English (the official language of the project).

The interview panel anticipates that interviews with short-listed applicants will be held during the week beginning november 5, 2007.

ApplicationYou can apply for this job before 31-10-2007 by sending your application to:University of GroningenPersonnel and Organization DepartmentP.O. Box 729700 AB GroningenThe NetherlandsE-mail address: vmp@rug.nl

When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number AT207181.

2 PhD Fellow at University of Groningen

2 PhD fellows schizophrenia project
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Vacancy number: 207176/77

Job descriptionTOP Institute Pharma (TI Pharma) has granted our proposal to set up the mechanism-based PK-PD modeling platform. This platform focuses on the transfer of knowledge from academia to the pharmaceutical industry and is a collaborative effort of 4 academic partners and 6 industrial partners. Unique to this platform is the availability of shared databases.

The aim of the platform is to provide a scientific basis for rational drug discovery and development with a strong focus on priority medicines. Challenges are to predict disease progression, the effects of ageing, combined drug effects and to translate preclinical data to clinical data through the construction of mechanism-based PK/PD models. Existing anonimized (pre-) clinical data will be analyzed with advanced data analysis software tools such as NONMEM and S+ or R.

The translational research working group addresses cardiovascular safety and schizophrenia. Within the schizophrenia project we are looking for 2 PhD fellows.

You will work as a team member of a TI Pharma project. The project team comprises academic and industrial partners. In this case, the partners are: universities of Leiden and Groningen, the University Medical Center of Utrecht, the Erasmus Medical Center and the companies Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, GSK, Nycomed, Organon and Pfizer. You will attend a unique drug discovery education and training program offered by TI Pharma.

* Master degree in Biomedical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Life Science and Technology, Mathematics, Statisticsor Theoretical Biology
* Preferably a background in Model Building and the Pharmaceutical Sciences
* Profound interest in Model Building
* Ambitious
* Creative
* Interested to perform research in a unique multidisciplinary setting


The University of Groningen is a university with a high reputation for academic teaching and research and a large international network The vacancy is at the Department of Pharmacokinetics and Drug Delivery. This department is part of the University Centre for Pharmacy, and participates in the research school Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE).

of Groningen offers an appointment for a period of four years which period should be finished with a Ph.D. examination. During the first year the gross salary is ¤ 1956,= per month. This amount will increase to ¤ 2502= during the fourth year. After one year, the performance of the candidate will be evaluated to decide whether there is sufficient progress to expect a successful completion of the Ph.D. thesis within the remaining three years. A training programme is part of the agreement. You and your supervisor will make up a plan for the additional education and supervising that you specifically need. This plan also defines your teaching activities.

Additional InformationAdditional information can be obtained from dr. J.H. Proost Department of Pharmacokinetics and Drug Delivery, University of Groningen ( j.h.proost@rug.nl ), tel +31 50 363 3292 (secretariat tel. +31 50 363 3272).

ApplicationApplications with curriculum vitae and the names of 3 persons that can be contacted as references should be sent before November 1, 2007, to:
University of GroningenPersonnel and Organization DepartmentP.O. Box 729700 AB Groningen, The Netherlandsemail: vmp@bureau.rug.nl

Nieman Fellowship Program

Nieman Fellowship Program

How to Apply
Nieman Foundation >
How to Apply >
Eligibility and Application Forms >

International Fellowships

International Fellowships International Nieman Fellowships are reserved for citizens of nations other than the United States, including journalists with non-U.S. citizenship working in the United States or working for U.S. media companies. If you have dual citizenship, please contact us.

Please note: You must be fluent in speaking, reading and writing English. All Nieman seminars and Harvard classes are in English, so proficiency in English is necessary to benefit fully from the Nieman experience. You do not need to submit TOEFL scores with your application. All applications must be postmarked on or before December 15, 2007.

Funds from the original Nieman bequest are restricted to U.S. citizens. So international candidates must find financial support from sources outside the Nieman Foundation. Funding options are described on the application form. We anticipate making a decision about the 2008-2009 International Fellows by February 20, 2008. Successful candidates who are applying for financial support will be able to tell their sources of fellowship funding about their appointment soon after this date. The new Fellows begin their academic year at Harvard in mid-August 2008. We encourage you to apply for a Nieman Fellowship if you are qualified, even if you have not been able to receive full funding by the time you apply. If you are invited to be a Nieman Fellow, the Nieman Foundation will work with you to find the money you need. Final selection of International Fellows is done by the Nieman curator.

Citizens of Canada, South Africa and South KoreaYou should apply for International Nieman Fellowships through organizations in your own country.Application information and deadlines >>

All other candidates for International Nieman Fellowships You should apply directly to the Nieman Foundation.

Make sure you are eligible to apply.

Download or print an application in PDF* format. * You will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Print the form and fill it out using a pen.

Collect your work samples and write two essays, which are described on the application.
Ask four people who are very familiar with your work to write letters of recommendation, which are described on the application. Tell these four people to send their letters directly to the Nieman Foundation at the address on the application.

Send your completed, dated and signed application form, along with your work samples and essays, to the Nieman Foundation at the address on the application. We prefer to receive applications by postal mail. Please mail your materials in time to receive a postmark of December 15, 2007, or earlier. If you have any questions about the application process or problems downloading the application, please contact us. We appreciate your interest in a Nieman Fellowship.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

PhD position funded by EPSRC

Incremental computation of multiresolution/multiscale analysis systems

The PhD position is going to be funded by EPSRC and it is fully researchoriented (no industrial-oriented project work).For details, see the papers under "Rate-distortion-complexity modeling andcomplexity analysis for multimedia systems" in my Publications page:

Prospective candidates are invited to contact me if you have 2 out of thefollowing 3:

1) Excellent GPA, close to or within the top-5 students in your year.

2) Published (or to appear) research results in English, in a conference and/orjournal with an international audience.

3) Very good English-language skills (provide Toefl and/or GRE results)

Please send your resume (in PDF format) to: yiannis.a@elec.qmul.ac.uk

Please include in your email title:
"PhD position application", oryour email may be ignored.
Also include in the email when could you start, ifselected.
Suitable candidates will be contacted directly, as appropriate.