Tuesday, November 13, 2007

MA in Inter-Asia NGO Studies (MAINS)

Master of Arts in Inter-Asia NGO Studies (MAINS)
MAINS is jointly offered by the Inter-Asia Graduate School of NGOStudies at Sung Kong Hoe University and the Asian Regional Exchange forNew Alternatives.

Its multidisciplinary curriculum, integrating academic andpractitioners' training with dynamic changes occurring in Asia and theglobe, is unique in the field of studies on social changes,non-governmental organizations and civil society. The curriculum coversa wide range of current issues of international relations from bothregional and global perspectives as a major field of studies, placing aspecial focus on the development of solidarity among civil societyconstituents.
MAINS is intended for the people who have been contributing or have thepotential to contribute to a better understanding of or leading socialchanges in Asia. Benefiting from both academic and practical resourcesoffered by two distinct host institutions, MAINS offers both intense andflexible preparation for either those seeking leadership and skills formore just and equitable social changes in Asia, or those seeking furtherstudies in the field. Inter-Asia Graduate School of NGO Studies(IGSONS)

Previously named Department of NGO Studies, this master's degree coursewas first established in 1998 to offer graduate training in the NGOfield. The department is a unique academic institution in many ways. Notonly is it the first university institution of its kind in Korea, but ithas been at the forefront of bridging the world of practitioners withthat of scholars. Since its inception, the department has generated keeninterest from both academia and the public alike. Asian RegionalExchange for New Alternatives (ARENA)

ARENA is a regional network of concerned Asian scholars which aims tocontribute to a process of awakening towards meaningful andpeople-oriented social change. ARENA draws its members from Bangladesh,India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong SAR,China, Australia and the US.

ARENA's official website: www.arenaonline.org


Dean of IGSONS Prof. Oh Jae-shik
MAINS Programme Faculty Honorary Chair:Dr. Kinhide Mushakoji
Co-Directors: Professor Mohiuddin Ahmad and Dr. Hur Song-woo
Teaching Advisory Board Chang, Dae-Up (Research Professor, Hong Kong University)
Chen, Kuan-Hsing (Tsing-Hua University, Editor of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Movement)
Cho, Jin-Tae (General Secretary, The 18 May Memorial Foundation)
Dr. Gosh, Jayati (India. Focus on the Global South)
Guerreoro, Dorothy (Focus on the Global South)
Lee, Chang-Hee (Senior Specialist on Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue, ILO Beijing Office)
Lee, SungHoon (General Secretary, Forum Asia)
Board of Teaching andResource Persons Hur, Song-woo (Gender Studies, SKHU)
Kaoru, Aoyama (Gender Studies, People's Plan Study Group, Japan)
Lau, Kin Chi (Cultural Studies, Lingnan Univ. Hong Kong)
Lee, Francis Daehoon (Peace Studies, executive director, ARENA)
Lee, Jung-ok (Sociology, Daegu Catholic University)
Loh, Francis (Political Studies, University Sains Malaysia)
Mohuiddin, Ahmad (Economics, Community Development Library, Bangladesh)
Nimalka, Fernando (Lawyer, Democratic People's Movement, Sri Lanka)
Park, Kyung-tae (Sociology, SKHU)
Saravanmuttu, Johan (Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore)
Tadem, Eduardo C. (Asian Studies, Asian Center, University of thePhilippines)
Vinod, Raina (People's Science Movement, India)

Sung Kong Hoe University Faculty
Cho, Hee-yeon (Sociology)
Cho, Hyoje (Sociology)
Kim, Min-woong (International Relations)
Lee, Chong-Koo (Sociology)
Lee, Gi-ho (Political Studies)
Lee, Sang-Chul (Sociology)
Park, Eun-Hong (Sociology)
Kim, Yu-Soon (Social Welfare)
Ko, Byung-Hun (Humanities)
Shin, Hyun-Joon (Society and Culture)
Kim, Eun-Kyu (Theology)
Kwon, Jin-Kwan (Theology)
Jin, Young-Jong (English)
Jang, Hwa-Kyung (Japanese Studies)
Yang, Ki-Ho (Japanese Studies)
Jang, Young-Soek (Chinese Studies)
Paik, Won-Dam (Chinese Studies)