Thursday, November 1, 2007

MA in Pacifix and Asian Studiesat University of Victoria, CA

M.A. in Pacific and Asian Studies at the University of Victoria, Canada

The Department of Pacific and Asian Studies is a dynamic,interdisciplinary department with a strong specialization in interdisciplinary research in the modern period. We now offer a Master of Arts degree in two areas of specialization:
* Area Studies: social, historical, cultural and political conditions
* Literary and Textual Studies: literary, artistic, and popular cultural forms of expression

Within these two areas, our particular research strengths are:
Contemporary Asian fiction, cinema and popular culture; Social theory; Chinese and Japanese linguistics; Indigenous identities; Gender; Contemporary theatre; Global and local intersections; Asian-Canadian Studies; Religion.

Our graduate students have an excellent track record of obtaining financial support to conduct original, thesis-based research in the Asia-Pacific region on a topic of their choosing. Recent M.A. students have studied such diverse topics as contemporary Japanese film; sex work in Indonesia; contemporary Chinese literature and philosophy; Indonesian feminist art; the impact of China's One-Child Policy and more.

The department makes every effort to provide strong financial support to deserving candidates. Students may qualify for Faculty of Graduate Studies University Fellowships, research and teaching assistantships,and several internal department scholarships. Graduate students have also been successful in obtaining funds from external sources such as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, UVic's Centre
for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, and more.

Students are normally admitted for study in September. The deadline for students from outside Canada is December 15 for the following September. The deadline for application within Canada is January 15. Applicants are encouraged to contact faculty members who share their interests. A two-page statement of research interest must be included in the application. Application forms for admission, which include the indication of need for financial assistance, can be obtained directly from the Graduate Admissions and Records office online at:

Please direct questions or requests for further information to the graduate secretary, Joanne Denton, at, or the Graduate Advisor, Dr. Leslie Butt, at

Department website:

Graduate Admissions and Records site:

Graduate Studies:


Martin T. Adam, PhD (McGill)
Buddhism, with more general teaching interests in other Asian religious traditions (Hinduism, Jainism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto).

Michael H. Bodden, PhD (Wis, Madison)
Indonesian-Malay; Southeast Asian literature, theatre, and popular culture.

Daniel J. Bryant, PhD (UBC)
Pre-modern Chinese poetry; textual criticism.

Leslie Butt, PhD (McGill)
Medical anthropology; HIV/AIDS; gender, sexuality and reproduction; West Papua.

Katsuhiko Endo, PhD (NYU)
Theory of capitalism, history of thought, modern Japan.

Timothy J.F. Iles, PhD (U of Toronto)
Japanese cinema and contemporary fiction.

Richard King, PhD (UBC)
Modern and contemporary Chinese fiction and popular culture.

Vivian Lee, PhD (UBC)
Modern Chinese literature; Chinese cinema; post-colonial literature.

R. Christopher Morgan, PhD (ANU)
Oceania; trade and exchange; indigenous economies; commoditization; land tenure; clan and class structures; ethnography and world history.

Hiroko Noro, PhD (U of Toronto)
Japanese; sociolinguistics; second language pedagogy; language and ethnic identity.

M. Cody Poulton, PhD (U of Toronto)
Meiji era/contemporary literature; contemporary theatre; traditional Japanese poetics/theatre.

Daromir Rudnyckyj, PhD (UC Berkeley)
Indonesia/Southeast Asia. Globalization, religion, transnationalism, ethics, development, Islam, the state.

Yuen-Fong Woon, PhD (UBC)
Rural South China; Asian Canadian Studies; migration studies.

University of Victoria
Consistently ranked as one of Canada's top comprehensive universities, UVic is known for the academic excellence and accessibility of its faculty, its extensive co-operative education and professional programs, and for its friendly atmosphere.